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Viola Borden, LPC

Viola is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has been licensed to treat clients in the Connecticut and Massachusetts areas.  She has previous experience working in private practice, community behavioral health, as well as residential and academic settings in the Connecticut, Georgia, and Massachusetts areas. Viola practices multicultural awareness and inclusion of all groups with regard to practice and professional limitations. She has effectively been administering individual psychotherapy and couples counseling services to adults and youth, as well as collaborative care with medical providers and brief and crisis interventions to clients for nearly five years. Viola's long-term goal is to assist in improving development of therapeutic frameworks, research, professional practice, education, advocacy, policy setting, and systems of reform that are designed specifically by and for members of the BIPOC community.


Viola's unique conceptualization, as well as her education and training have been beneficial in assisting her with the development of individualized treatment plans specific to each client in an effort to ensure therapeutic progress.  As a certified PREPARE-ENRICH Facilitator, she uses uniquely developed psychoeducational and solution-based interventions to assist couples with healthy relationship development and maintenance. She believes that working with couples to improve their emotional and mental well-being will improve potential development of healthier families and, desirably, stronger communities!  Currently, Viola is only accepting adult clients through 21 and 99 years of age.  


Please feel free to check out I Witness Counseling's website at or give her a call to schedule your appointment at (203) 441-3132

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